Frequently Asked Questions:
J Building Location/Layout

Where is J Building located?
The J Building is located at:
1223 Peoples Ave
Troy, NY 12180
Where is the RMA located with J Building?
The RMA can be found on the bottom two floors of J Building.
RMA Membership
Am I a member of the RMA?
If you filled out the RMA Super Form, then congratulations, you are automatically a member of the RMA.
How can my musical group join the RMA? What are the perks?
If you are interested in becoming an RMA group, you can email the RMA Vice President at It is relatively easy for a group to become part of the RMA, and will get you rehearsal space, instrument/equipment, instrument/equipment storage space, access to funds for purchasing sheet music, access to a recording studio, free publicity, and a multitude of performance opportunities (from large concerts to small venues). You will be served by the Executive Board of the RMA, and represented by a member of the Executive Board of the Student Union.
J Building Access
What if I am already a member of an RMA group?
If you are a member of an RMA group, you should be granted full card access to J Building automatically - there is no need to fill out the access request form. If you are a member of an RMA group and your card does not work fill out the Super Form and if you are still having trouble after several days, reach out to the Security Officer at
What if am auditioning for an RMA group?
(Being updated)
What if my non-RMA group is looking for rehearsal space?
(Being Updated)
What if I want access to the pianos and/or practice rooms?
The J Building has 6 pianos that are available to all RPI students, and all open rooms in J Building are available for personal practice when they are not reserved.
What if I want to use an instrument for a non-RMA group?
RPI students that are looking to use our amps or drum kit can request access to these instruments (see Section 5 below). For RPI students who wish to borrow any other instruments or equipment, or people who are not RPI students who wish to borrow instruments, equipment, or gain access to J Building should contact the RMA Property Manager(s) directly at , and each request will be handled on a case-by-case basis. RMA groups and musicians are given priority over non-RMA groups and musicians. Due to limits on instruments and space, we may not be able to accommodate all requests, and fees may be associated with room/equipment usage.
Personal Instrament Storage
How can I store my small/medium instrument that I brought to campus(flute, clarinet, alto sax, trumpet, trombone, french horn, etc.)?
You can request an RMA locker by filling out the Locker Rental Application. The Property Managers will email you to setup a time to meet in J Building, where you can get your key. You will be asked to deposit $10 (cash or charge to Bursur) at the time of locker rental. If you return the key at the end of the year and the locker is in good condition, your $10 will be returned to you.
How can I rent a large/shared instrument (upright bass, cello, tuba, baritone, euphonium, sousaphone, mellophone, contrabass clarinet, alto clarinet)?
You can request access to the Large Instrument Storage Room by using the Key and Lock-box Application . A Property Manager will email you to setup a time to meet at J Building. They will give you the code to the lock-box and show you how to use it. Inside the lock-box is the key to the Large Instrument Storage Room. You will be able to store your instrument in there. (Please note that you cannot store folders or other items besides your instrument in that room. Please keep the room neat so that others can use it. The room is humidified for string instruments.) You will be asked to pay a fee in the $30-$60 range for a yearly rental. This can be paid in cash or via a bursar form (preferred).
RMA Instrument Rental
How can I rent a small/medium sized instrument (flute, clarinet, bass clarinet, alto sax, trumpet, trombone, french horn, violin, viola, piccolo)?
The RMA owns many instruments that it rents out to individual students on a first come, first served basis. You can request to rent an instrument using the Instrument Rental Application. Then reach out to a Property Manager to setup a time to meet in J Building. There they will give you the instrument and the key to the locker in which it is stored. There is no need to fill out the Locker Rental Form - it is covered in the Instrument Rental Form. You will also be asked to pay a fee in the $20-$30 range for a yearly rental. This can be paid in cash or via a bursar form (preferred).
How can I rent a large/shared instrument (upright bass, cello, tuba, baritone, euphonium, sousaphone, mellophone, contrabass clarinet, alto clarinet)?
The RMA owns many instruments that it rents as a “shared instrument” - i.e., the instrument
is shared between multiple students, who generally use the instruments on different nights
of the week. You can request to rent an instrument using the
Instrument Rental Application.
All shared instruments are kept in the Large Instrument Storage Room (there are a few exceptions
to this, that a Property Manager will contact you about if necessary).
You can request access to the Large Instrument Storage Room by using the
Key and Lock-box Application.
A Property Manager will email you to setup a time to meet in J Building. There
they will give you the instrument. You will be asked to pay a fee in the $20-$30 range for a yearly
rental. This can be paid in cash or via a bursar form (preferred).
You may NOT take this instrument out of J Building.
RMA Amp/Drum-kit usage
What if I need access to amps or a drum-kit?
The RMA amps are kept in the Amp Closet, and the drum-kit is kept in the Drum Practice Room. Both rooms are locked for the safety of the equipment. The key for each is stored in a lock-box in J Building. To get the code to the lock-box, fill out the Key and Lock-box Application here. Note that if you need to take amps or a drum kit out of J Building, you need to sign out the equipment using the Equipment Sign Out Form.
Removing Equipment from J-building
What is the procedure to remove equiptment from J-building?
Should you or your group ever need to take equipment out of J Building, you must fill out the Equipment Sign Out Form . Equipment refers to any shared instruments, amps, percussion equipment, jazz equipment, chairs, stands, recording equipment, and essentially anything that isn't stored in a locker. The Property Manager(s) will email you to let you know if you are allowed to sign out the equipment.
General Body Meetings
When: Sundays at 4:00pm
Where: J-Building
All interested/current members of the RMA are welcome to attend.